Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1: The Growing Demand for Supply Chain Management

    • Chapter 1 [whole]: The Growing Demand for Supply Chain Management

    • Chapter 1 Slide

    • Chapter 1: Lecture 1 [Defining Supply Chain Management]

    • Chapter 1: Lecture 2 [Exploring Complex Business Challenges]

    • Chapter 1: Lecture 3 [Operating Under Supply Chain Management Principles]

    • Chapter 1: Lecture 4 [Introducing Five Supply Chain Tasks]

    • Chapter 1: Lecture 5 [Implementing the New Supply Chain Agenda]

    • Chapter 1: Video 1 [Defining Supply Chain Management]

    • Chapter 1: Video 2 [Exploring Complex Business Challenges]

    • Chapter 1: Video 3 [Operating Under Supply Chain Management Principles]

    • Chapter 1: Video 4 [Introducing Five Supply Chain Tasks]

    • Chapter 1: Video 5 [Implementing the New Supply Chain Agenda]

    • Chapter 1 (Quiz): The Growing Demand for Supply Chain Management

  • 2

    Chapter 2: Understanding Supply Chains from Different Perspectives

    • Chapter 2 [whole]: Understanding Supply Chains from Different Perspectives

    • Chapter 2 Slide

    • Chapter 2: Video 1 [Managing Supply Chain Flows]

    • Chapter 2: Video 2 [Synchronizing Supply Chain Functions]

    • Chapter 2: Video 3 [Connecting Supply Chain Communities]

    • Chapter 2: Video 4 [Designing Supply Chain Systems]

    • Chapter 2: Video 5 [Measuring Supply Chain Processes]

    • Chapter 2: Lecture 1 [Managing Supply Chain Flows]

    • Chapter 2: Lecture 2 [Synchronizing Supply Chain Functions]

    • Chapter 2: Lecture 3 [Connecting Supply Chain Communities]

    • Chapter 2: Lecture 4 [Designing Supply Chain Systems]

    • Chapter 2: Lecture 5 [Measuring Supply Chain Processes]

    • Chapter 2 (Quiz): Understanding Supply Chains from Different Perspectives

  • 3

    Chapter 3: Digging into the Supply Chain

    • Chapter 3 [whole]: Digging into the Supply Chain

    • Chapter 3 Slide

    • Chapter 3: Video 1 [Prioritizing Supply Chain Goals]

    • Chapter 3: Video 2 (Looking At Cost Drivers)

    • Chapter 3: Video 3 (Dealing With Trade-Offs)

    • Chapter 3: Lecture 1 [Prioritizing Supply Chain Goals]

    • Chapter 3: Lecture 2 [Looking at Cost Drivers]

    • Chapter 3: Lecture 3 [Dealing with Trade-Offs]

    • Chapter 3 (Quiz ) : Digging into the Supply Chain

  • 4

    Chapter 4: Optimising Your Supply Chain

    • Chapter 4 [whole]: Optimising Your Supply Chain

    • Chapter 4 Slide

    • Chapter 4: Video 1 [Designing Your Network]

    • Chapter 4: Video 2 [Improving And Innovating Processes]

    • Chapter 4: Video 3 [Managing Cross-Functional Project Teams]

    • Chapter 4: Video 4 (Creating Cross-Functional Project Plans)

    • Chapter 4: Video 5 (Creating a Raci Matrix)

    • Chapter 4: Video 6 (Designing Projects Scorecards)

    • Chapter 4: Video 7 (Using The Direct Model)

    • Chapter 4: Lecture 1 [Designing Your Network]

    • Chapter 4: Lecture 2 [Improving and Innovating Processes]

    • Chapter 4: Lecture 3 [Structuring Supply Chain Projects]

    • Chapter 4 (Quiz): Optimising Your Supply Chain

  • 5

    Chapter 5: Connecting Supply Chain Processes

    • Chapter 5 [whole]: Connecting Supply Chain Processes

    • Chapter 5 Slide

    • Chapter 5: Video 1 [Understanding Supply Chain Processes]

    • Chapter 5: Video 2 [Sipoc]

    • Chapter 5: Video 3 [Establishing Process Metrics]

    • Chapter 5: Video 4 [Building The Right Supply Chain]

    • Chapter 5: Lecture 1 [Understanding Supply Chain Processes]

    • Chapter 5: Lecture 2 [Introducing the SCOR Model]

    • Chapter 5: Lecture 3 [Establishing Process Metrics]

    • Chapter 5: Lecture 4 [Building the Right Supply Chain]

    • Chapter 5 (Quiz): Connecting Supply Chain Processes

  • 6

    Chapter 6: Planning the Supply Chain

    • Chapter 6 [whole]: Planning the Supply Chain

    • Chapter 6 Slide

    • Chapter 6: Video 1 [Balancing Supply and Demand]

    • Chapter 6: Video 2 [Aligning Resources with Requirements]

    • Chapter 6: Video 3 [Analyzing Your Customers]

    • Chapter 6: Video 4 [Planning Your Products]

    • Chapter 6: Video 5 [Planning Your Production Systems]

    • Chapter 6: Video 6 [Planning Your Delivery Systems]

    • Chapter 6: Video 7 [Planning for Returns]

    • Chapter 6: Lecture 1 [Balancing Supply and Demand]

    • Chapter 6: Lecture 2 [Aligning Resources with Requirements]

    • Chapter 6: Lecture 3 [Analyzing Your Customers]

    • Chapter 6: Lecture 4 [Planning Your Products & Production Systems]

    • Chapter 6: Lecture 5 [Planning Your Delivery Systems & Planning for Returns]

    • Chapter 6 (Quiz): Planning the Supply Chain

  • 7

    Chapter 7: Sourcing, Purchasing and Procurement

    • Chapter 7 [whole]: Sourcing, Purchasing and Procurement

    • Chapter 7 Slide

    • Chapter 7: Video 1 [Sourcing, Purchasing and Procurement]

    • Chapter 7: Video 2 [Understanding Strategic Sourcing]

    • Chapter 7: Video 3 [Segmenting Your Supply Chain]

    • Chapter 7: Video 4 [Managing Life Cycle Costs]

    • Chapter 7: Video 5 [Minimizing Input Costs]

    • Chapter 7: Video 6 [Sourcing Your Inputs]

    • Chapter 7: Video 7 [Forecasting Your Demand]

    • Chapter 7: Video 8 [Insourcing, Outsourcing and Offshoring]

    • Chapter 7: Video 9 [Managing Supplier Relationships]

    • Chapter 7: Video 10 [Establishing Supply Contracts]

    • Chapter 7: Video 11 [Selecting Payment Terms]

    • Chapter 7: Video 12 [Mitigating Supplier Risks]

    • Chapter 7: Video 13 [Establishing Purchasing Ethics]

    • Chapter 7: Lecture 1 [Understanding Strategic Sourcing]

    • Chapter 7: Lecture 2 [Segmenting Your Supply Chain]

    • Chapter 7: Lecture 3 [Managing Life Cycle Costs]

    • Chapter 7: Lecture 4 [Managing Supplier Relationships]

    • Chapter 7: Lecture 5 [Establishing Supply Contracts]

    • Chapter 7: Lecture 6 [Mitigating Supplier Risks & Establishing Purchasing Ethics]

    • Chapter 7 (Quiz): Sourcing, Purchasing and Procurement

  • 8

    Chapter 8: Making Your Products or Services

    • Chapter 8 [whole]: Making Your Products or Services

    • Chapter 8 Slide

    • Chapter 8: Video 1 [Making Your Products Or Services]

    • Chapter 8: Video 2 [Considering Capacity]

    • Chapter 8: Video 3 [Supply Chain Management]

    • Chapter 8: Video 4 [Production Environments]

    • Chapter 8: Video 5 [Process Types Vs Production Environments]

    • Chapter 8: Video 6 [Quality Control And Quality Assurance]

    • Chapter 8: Video 7 [Reducing Manufacturing Waste]

    • Chapter 8: Lecture 1 [Planning and Scheduling Production]

    • Chapter 8: Lecture 2 [Identifying Manufacturing Process Types]

    • Chapter 8: Lecture 3 [Choosing Your Production Environment]

    • Chapter 8: Lecture 4 [Implementing Quality Control and Quality Assurance]

    • Chapter 8: Lecture 5 [Reducing Manufacturing Waste]

    • Chapter 8 (Quiz): Making Your Products or Services

  • 9

    Chapter 9: Delivering Your Products or Services

    • Chapter 9 [whole]: Delivering Your Products or Services

    • Chapter 9 Slide

    • Chapter 9: [Audio Book]

    • Chapter 9: Video 1 [Understanding Modes Of Transportation]

    • Chapter 9: Video 2 [ Selecting Modes Of Transportation]

    • Chapter 9: Video 3 [Managing Warehousing And Inventory]

    • Chapter 9: Video 4 [Establishing Inventory Ordering Policies]

    • Chapter 9: Video 5 [Selecting Material Handling Equipment]

    • Chapter 9: Video 6 [Managing And Filling Orders]

    • Chapter 9: Video 7 [Leveraging Third-Party Logistics]

    • Chapter 9: Lecture 1 [Understanding Modes of Transportation]

    • Chapter 9: Lecture 2 [Selecting Modes of Transportation]

    • Chapter 9: Lecture 3 [Managing Warehousing and Inventory]

    • Chapter 9: Lecture 4 [Establishing Inventory Ordering Policies]

    • Chapter 9: Lecture 5 [Selecting Material Handling Equipment]

    • Chapter 9: Lecture 6 [Managing and Filling Orders]

    • Chapter 9: Lecture 7 [Leveraging Third-Party Logistics]

    • Chapter 9 (Quiz): Delivering Your Products or Services

  • 10

    Chapter 10: Managing Product Returns and Reverse Supply Chains

    • Chapter 10 [whole]: Managing Product Returns and Reverse Supply Chains

    • Chapter 10 Slide

    • Chapter 10: Video 1 [Managing Product Returns and Reverse Supply]

    • Chapter 10: Video 2 [Processing Returns of New or Excess Products]

    • Chapter 10: Video 3 [Procesing Returns of Used or Defective Products]

    • Chapter 10: Video 4 [Managing Closed Loop Supply Chains]

    • Chapter 10: Video 5 [Handling Unauthorized Returns And Fradulent Products]

    • Chapter 10: Video 6 [Managing Trade-ins]

    • Chapter 10: Lecture 1 [Growing Revenues with Easy Returns]

    • Chapter 10: Lecture 2 [Processing Returns of New or Excess Products & Used or Defective Products ]

    • Chapter 10: Lecture 3 [Managing Closed-Loop Supply Chains]

    • Chapter 10: Lecture 4 [Handling Unauthorised Returns and Fraudulent Products & Managing Trade-Ins]

    • Chapter 10 (Quiz): Managing Product Returns and Reverse Supply Chains

  • 11

    Chapter 11: Enabling Your Supply Chain

    • Chapter 11 [whole]: Enabling Your Supply Chain

    • Chapter 11 Slide

    • Chapter 11: Video 1 [Managing Your Business Rules]

    • Chapter 11: Video 2 [Managing Supply Chain Performance]

    • Chapter 11: Video 3 [Managing Your Assets]

    • Chapter 11: Video 4 [Labeling Your Products]

    • Chapter 11: Video 5 [Addressing Supply Chain Security Issues]

    • Chapter 11: Video 6 [Leveraging Information Technology]

    • Chapter 11: Video 7 [Leveraging Human Resources]

    • Chapter 11: Video 8 [Mastering Project Management]

    • Chapter 11: Lecture 1 [Managing Your Business Rules]

    • Chapter 11: Lecture 2 [Managing Supply Chain Performance]

    • Chapter 11: Lecture 3 [Managing Your Assets]

    • Chapter 11: Lecture 4 [Labeling Your Products]

    • Chapter 11: Lecture 5 [Addressing Supply Chain Security Issues]

    • Chapter 11: Lecture 6 [Leveraging Information Technology]

    • Chapter 11: Lecture 7 [Leveraging Human Resources]

    • Chapter 11: Lecture 8 [Mastering Project Management]

    • Chapter 11 (Quiz): Enabling Your Supply Chain

  • 12

    Chapter 12: Managing Supply Chain Software

    • PGDSCM Chapter 12 [whole]: Managing Supply Chain Software

    • Chapter 12 -Slide

    • Chapter 12: Video 1 [Information Technology]

    • Chapter 12: Video 2 [Using Transportation Management Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Video 3 [Using Warehouse Management & Execution Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Video 4 [Using Demand Planning Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Video 5 [Using Material Requirements Planning Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Video 6 [Using Distribution Requirements Planning Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Video 7 [Using Labour Management Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Video 8 [Using Customer Relationship Management Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Video 9 [Using Supplier Relationship Management Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Video 10 [Using Enterprise Resources Planning Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Video 11 [Using Supply Chain Modelling Software]

    • Chapter 12: Video 12 [Using Business Intelligence Software]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 1 [Understanding How Processes Evolve]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 2 [Using Transportation Management Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 3 [Using Warehouse Management & Execution Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 4 [Using Demand Planning Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 5 [Using Material Requirements Planning Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 6 [Using Distribution Requirements Planning Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 7 [Using Labour Management Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 8 [Using Customer Relationship Management Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 9 [Using Supplier Relationship Management Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 10 [Using Enterprise Resources Planning Systems]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 11 [Using Supply Chain Modelling Software]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 12 [Using Business Intelligence Software]

    • Chapter 12: Lecture 13 [Leveraging Software Analysts]

    • Chapter 12 (Quiz): Managing Supply Chain Software

  • 13

    Chapter 13: Integrating Advanced Manufacturing into your Supply Chain

    • PGDSCM Chapter 13 [whole]: Integrating Advanced Manufacturing into your Supply Chain

    • Chapter 13 - Slide

    • Chapter 13: Video 1 [Avoiding Obsolescence]

    • Chapter 13: Video 2 [Capitalising On Advanced Manufacturing]

    • Chapter 13: Video 3 [Technical Terms]

    • Chapter 13: Video 4 [Automated Mobile Robots]

    • Chapter 13: Video 5 [Unmanned And Autonomous Vehicles]

    • Chapter 13: Lecture 1 [Avoiding Obsolescence]

    • Chapter 13: Lecture 2 [Capitalising on Advanced Manufacturing]

    • Chapter 13: Lecture 3 [Automated Mobile Robots & Unmanned and Autonomous Vehicles]

    • Chapter 13 (Quiz): Integrating Advanced Manufacturing into your Supply Chain

  • 14

    Chapter 14: Managing Digital Supply Chain

    • PGDSCM Chapter 14 [whole]: Managing Digital Supply Chain

    • Chapter 14 - Slide

    • Chapter 14: Video 1 [Managing Digital Supply Chains]

    • Chapter 14: Video 2 [Digitalizing Products And Services]

    • Chapter 14: Video 3 [Integrating Planning, Executing And Visibility]

    • Chapter 14: Video 4 [Creating Customer Centricity]

    • Chapter 14: Video 5 [Sharing With Blockchains]

    • Chapter 14: Video 6 [Harnessing The Internet Of Things, Big Data And The Cloud]

    • Chapter 14: Video 7 [Employing Artificial Intelligence]

    • Chapter 14: Video 8 [Retooling For Omnichannel]

    • Chapter 14: Lecture 1 [Digitalising Products and Services]

    • Chapter 14: Lecture 2 [Integrating Planning, Executing and Visibility]

    • Chapter 14: Lecture 3 [Creating Customer Centricity]

    • Chapter 14: Lecture 4 [Sharing with Blockchains]

    • Chapter 14: Lecture 5 [Harnessing the Internet of Things, Big Data and the Cloud]

    • Chapter 14: Lecture 6 [Employing Artificial Intelligence & Retooling for Omnichannel]

    • Chapter 14 (Quiz): Managing Digital Supply Chain

  • 15

    Chapter 15: Transforming Your Supply Chain

    • PGDSCM Chapter 15 [whole]: Transforming Your Supply Chain

    • Chapter 15 - Slide

    • Chapter 15: Video 1 [Improve Transparency And Visibility]

    • Chapter 15: Video 2 [Deploying Demand Shaping]

    • Chapter 15: Video 3 [Performing Postponement]

    • Chapter 15: Video 4 [Renewing Regional Sourcing]

    • Chapter 15: Video 5 [Reducing Stock-Keeping Units]

    • Chapter 15: Video 6 [Optimising Inventory]

    • Chapter 15: Video 7 [Incorporating Vendor-Managed Inventory]

    • Chapter 15: Video 8 [Adjusting Payment Terms}

    • Chapter 15: Video 9 [Using Supply Chain Finance]

    • Chapter 15: Video 10 [Bullwhip Effect]

    • Chapter 15: Video 11 [Starting with Small Improvements)

    • Chapter 15: Video 12 [Creating Sandboxes]

    • Chapter 15: Lecture 1 [Improve Transparency and Visibility]

    • Chapter 15: Lecture 2 [Deploying Demand Shaping]

    • Chapter 15: Lecture 3 [Performing Postponement]

    • Chapter 15: Lecture 4 [Renewing Regional Sourcing]

    • Chapter 15: Lecture 5 [Reducing Stock-Keeping Units]

    • Chapter 15: Lecture 6 [Optimising Inventory]

    • Chapter 15: Lecture 7 [Incorporating Vendor-Managed Inventory]

    • Chapter 15: Lecture 8 [Adjusting Payment Terms & Using Supply Chain Finance]

    • Chapter 15: Lecture 9 [Control the Bullwhip Effect]

    • Chapter 15: Lecture 10 [Starting with Small Improvements & Creating Sandboxes]

    • Chapter 15 (Quiz): Transforming Your Supply Chain

  • 16

    Chapter 16: Adopting Supply Chain Metrics

    • PGDSCM Chapter 16 [whole]: Adopting Supply Chain Metrics

    • Chapter 16 - Slide

    • Chapter 16: Video 1 [Understanding Metrics]

    • Chapter 16: Video 2 [Identifying Performance Attributes]

    • Chapter 16: Video 3 [Scor Metrics]

    • Chapter 16: Video 4 [Operational Metrics]

    • Chapter 16: Video 5 [Financial Metrics]

    • Chapter 16: Video 6 [People Metrics]

    • Chapter 16: Video 7 [Sustainable Metrics]

    • Chapter 16: Lecture 1 [Understanding Metrics]

    • Chapter 16: Lecture 2 [Identifying Performance Attributes & Understanding SCOR Metrics]

    • Chapter 16: Lecture 3 [Optimising Operational Metrics]

    • Chapter 16: Lecture 4 [Formalising Financial Metrics]

    • Chapter 16: Lecture 5 [Perfecting People Metrics]

    • Chapter 16: Lecture 6 [Solidifying Sustainable Metrics]

    • Chapter 16 (Quiz): Adopting Supply Chain Metrics

  • 17

    Chapter 17: Managing Supply Chain Risks

    • PGDSCM Chapter 17 [whole]: Managing Supply Chain Risks

    • Chapter 17 - Slide

    • Chapter 17: Video 1 [Managing Supply Chain Risks]

    • Chapter 17: Video 2 [Building Supply Chain Resilience]

    • Chapter 17: Video 3 [Identifying Risks]

    • Chapter 17: Video 4 [Classifying Risks]

    • Chapter 17: Video 5 [Scoring Risks]

    • Chapter 17: Video 6 [Managing Risks]

    • Chapter 17: Lecture 1 [Challenging Assumptions About the Future]

    • Chapter 17: Lecture 2 [Building Supply Chain Resilience]

    • Chapter 17: Lecture 3 [Identifying Risks]

    • Chapter 17: Lecture 4 [Classifying Risks & Scoring Risks]

    • Chapter 17: Lecture 5 [Managing Risks]

    • Chapter 17 (Quiz): Managing Supply Chain Risks

  • 18

    Chapter 18: Building Supply Chain Analytics

    • PGDSCM Chapter 18 [whole]: Building Supply Chain Analytics

    • Chapter 18 - Slide

    • Chapter 18: Video 1 [Building Supply Chain Analytics]

    • Chapter 18: Video 2 [The Rise Of Big Data, Sensors And The Internet Of Things]

    • Chapter 18: Video 3 [Outline Of an Analytics Plan]

    • Chapter 18: Video 4 [Correlation, Causation And Interpolation]

    • Chapter 18: Video 5 [Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation]

    • Chapter 18: Video 6 [Scenario Planning]

    • Chapter 18: Video 7 [Dashboards and Control Towers]

    • Chapter 18: Lecture 1 [The Rise of Big Data, Sensors and the Internet of Things]

    • Chapter 18: Lecture 2 [Outline of an Analytics Plan]

    • Chapter 18: Lecture 3 [Correlation, Causation and Interpolation]

    • Chapter 18: Lecture 4 [Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation]

    • Chapter 18: Lecture 5 [Scenario Planning]

    • Chapter 18: Lecture 6 [Dashboards and Control Towers]

    • Chapter 18 (Quiz): Building Supply Chain Analytics

  • 19


    • MOCK EXAM-1 [100 Questions x 2 Marks = 200 Marks] ; Duration: 100 Minutes

    • MOCK EXAM-2 [100 Questions x 2 Marks = 200 Marks] ; Duration: 100 Minutes